PlayerPRO is a music program. It belongs in the ‘soundtrackers’ category. Still uncommon on Macintosh, these music utilities originated on the Amiga platform, and have then been developed on the Atari ST, IBM PC, and finally on Macintosh.
These soundtrackers are based on a single file system: the MOD format and its derivatives. The MOD format was intended to be a compact way of storing music inside games and demos, especially background music. The files consist of "patterns" of musical notes inside "partitions" (pattern lists) which can be played in different order, and more than once. (The number of tracks simulates the number of musicians a conductor would have in his orchestra; in the case of a 4 track file, the conductor has only the possibility of having 4 instruments playing simultaneously, even when the players can change their instruments). These files are commonly used and belong most of the time in the public domain. There are thousands of them. If you have a modem, BBS’, America Online, Compuserve, Internet, etc. are all gateways to infinite sources of such files.
PlayerPRO offers you a whole range of functions to exploit these music files:
• Sound reading: several methods of reading are offered (see "Drivers" section for more details).
• Display of analyses tools: Fourier's analysis, oscilloscope, tubes, piano, digital partition, classical partition, simplified partition, animations, etc.
• Music edition: music editing can be accomplished by writing at the level of classical partition, digital partition, or simply by piano recording, by Midi instruments or else by Midi files.
Technical Details
System: At least system 7.0 (sytem 7.5 recommended)
Memory: Approximately 2500 Kb for the program itself, hence a total memory of 4096 Kb will allow to run this program without any problem. Please note that in case you want to digitalise sounds of long duration, you will have to increase the memory.
Screen: All screens BW or color. Any size.
Audio Output: First it is highly recommended to connect loud speakers to your computer to receive a stereo sound and a better quality. Some Macintoshes are limited in the driver choice, but they can all be used without any exception. The quality ranges from 22 Khz Mono 8 bits to 44 Khz Stereo 16 bits.
Basic functions
The following sections are separated according to the way you use PlayerPRO. First the basic functions that any user must know to use this program: sound opening, sound reading and the different windows. Many times, windows and buttons will be mentionned, please refer to the corresponding sections.
Opening and reading of a music file
You have several possibilities to open a music file:
Once PlayerPRO is loaded, choose from the "Files" menu the "Open" sub-menu. A classical opening file dialog is displayed. You just need to select a music file and click the open button. At that time the music is loaded in memory. The music title appears then at the bottom of the "Tools" window. To listen the music, click on the "Play" button.
Another possibility is to drop a music file icon on the PlayerPRO icon at Finder level.
A third possibility is to drop a folder icon or a disk icon on PlayerPRO icon. PlayerPRO will search in this folder for all the music files and load them.
PlayerPRO keeps track of each music files, in order to reload them easly later. To have access to the music list, select the "Music List" sub-menu from the "Views" menu. The "Music List" window will then appear. To reload a song in the memory, double-click on its name.
Music Editing
Music editing is mainly done with the help of 4 windows: "Classical Editor", "Digital Editor", "Command Editor" (in the Tools window) and "Piano" the windows.
For those users familar with Amiga-ST soundtrackers: the "Digital Editor" window is based on digital representation of soundtrack files. Commands are represented by all their values (see Struct Command in the "MAD File" section). This window has an internal recording mode (press on the record button at the top of the window): if this window is frontmost and if you press a keyboard key, the corresponding note will be displayed in the selected cell. The next cell will be automatically selected. The "Command Editor" window allows at any moment a precise description of a command: double-click on the cell to open this window.
For soundtrackers beginners: the "Classical Editor" window offers a classical partition in which the notes can be easly written. This mode is easy to use and allows a fast listening of the composed piece, (click on the reduce view on the top right or click on the partition by pressing 'Apple' key). The "Command Editor" window allows at any moment a precise description of a note: double-click on the note to open this window.
The "Piano" window offers a direct mode of editing: either by your keyboard/mouse, or by a Midi instrument connected to your Macintosh. In both cases, you can record either "Note after Note" or in real time.
Note After Note
Open the "Piano" window, click on record button and adjust the setting. After clicking the "Record" button, PlayerPRO is in recording mode : each played note, with the mouse in the "Piano" window, with a keyboard key or with a Midi instrument, will be recorded in the current position of reading head (see "Pattern View"). When a note has been recorded, PlayerPRO will automatically advance reading head to the next position. In the "Preferences" window, you have the possibility to configurate a special key ('000') to indicate the lack of note, so you can advance to the next position without recording a note.
Acts in the same manner as "Note after Note" editing, but after this, start the reading of the partition by pressing on "Play" button of the "Tools" window. You are strongly advised to prepare new patterns before starting your recording (see "Patterns List") and class them one after the other in the "Partition" window (see "Partition"). You have the possibility of setting the speed reading by setting the F effect on the first note (basic speed for a new music is 6, (effect F, argument 06) with a finespeed of 7D (125)) (see "MAD File").
Midi hardware connection
To connect Midi hardware to your Macintosh, you will need a Midi connection kit, avalaible at your nearest Apple dealer. You need the following files (distributed by Apple): PatchBay, Apple MIDI Driver and MIDI Manager. Proceed as following:
1. Plug your MIDI instrument in the modem or printer port.
2. Run PlayerPRO
3. With the "Piano" window highlighted, go to the "Instruments" menu and select the "Piano Record" button and turn on your MIDI Hardware input.
4. Run PatchBay and make your connection between your instrument and the PlayerPRO icon.
5. Press the keys on your MIDI Instrument to see if the corresponding keys in the "Piano" window light up.
Midi functions of PlayerPRO are now limited to the reception of notes. You have the option to activate or desactivate the conversion of key velocity into C effect (see "Piano").
Menus & Windows
The following sections describe in detail the different menus, functions and windows of PlayerPRO. To each menu/window the following identifications will be associated, according to their use:
• EDIT: useful to compose and edit music.
• FILE: useful to write and manipulate music files.
• VIEW: useful to hear and analyse the sound output.
• DRAG: supports the Drag Manager (only if you have system 7.5 or system 7 PRO).
View Menu
• Pattern view (VIEW)
This window shows the current pattern: each color square corresponds to a note. The higher the square in the window, the higher the note, and vice-versa. Colors are related to tracks on which the note is played. The white bar corresponds to the reading head: the squares (the notes) located in this bar are now playing. You can change the position of the reading head by clicking in the window. You can also set up tracks and instruments now showing with the menus at the top of the window. You may also zoom on one part of the pattern by pressing simultaneously on the Apple key and clicking in the window.
• Digital View (VIEW)
This window displays a whole range of informations about the driver state and the music.
• Track View (VIEW)
This window displays the activity of each track.
• Instrument View (VIEW)
This window displays the activity of each instrument. The color shows on which track the instrument is used.
• Oscillo View (VIEW)
This window displays the oscilloscope of the sound output. In the case you use a stereo driver, two waves are displayed: one for the left loud speaker, the other for the right.
• Spectrum View (VIEW)
This window displays a Fourier's analysis calculated on the oscilloscope.
• Memory View (VIEW)
This window displays the actual state of memory allocated to PlayerPRO. Is is advised to keep at least 30% of free memory.
• Tools (VIEW, DRAG, FILE)
This window displays the basic tools. If you have the Drag Manager installed, it is possible to do a drag&drop on this window in the same way as in the "Music List". The music is loaded, added to the "Music List" and played.
• Music List (FILE, DRAG)
This window displays the complete list of songs which have been opened during the use of PlayerPRO. It allows you to load more rapidly a song by double-clicking on it, without using the "File" menu. If the window is displayed in the large format, you will be able to look at the information regarding the selected song: name, size, instrument number, etc. You can even save this list to use again anytime (see "Save Music List" under the "File" menu). A series of buttons allow you to do the basic functions related to this window: opening, loading, information, etc. If you have the Drag Manager installed, this window is used like a folder window of the Finder: you can take files from this window and also drop files coming from the Finder.
• Adaptators (VIEW)
This window displays a series of tools to adjust the sound output: volume, pitch, and speed. The volume is divided into 33 parts: 32 of these control the individual volume of each track (identified by their color), and one controls the Macintosh speaker volume.
This window displays a piano picture and shows the notes being used; the color shows the track on which the instrument is being played and the number relates to the instrument being played (see "Instruments List" window). The letter on each piano key indicates the corresponding key on your Mac keyboard. To set up these keys, open the "Preferences" window, under the "File" menu. You can also use this window to test instruments: choose an instrument in the "Instrument List" window and press on the piano keys. A recording icon allows to record notes in your partition. For more information about this recording option, see the sections "Music Editing" and "Midi Hardware Connection". You can temporarily activate the Record function by pressing continuously on the shift key.
• Full View (VIEW)
This window displays each track oscilloscope and each instrument utilisation. This option is only available to users with a 256 colors monitor.
• Screen-Saver (VIEW)
This option allows you to play musics with a screen-saver. This option is also only available to users with a 256 colors monitor.
File Menu
• New (FILE)
Creates a new empty music file ('MAD' format) and opens it, ready for writing a new song.
• Open (FILE)
Opens a standard 'Open' dialog window. PlayerPRO loads the file in memory and displays it in the "Music List". You can open all file types (even those included in the "Import" menu).
• Save (FILE)
Saves the current music by deleting the old one and by writing the new one. The music is saved in the 'MAD' format, even if it was in another format at the time of opening. To save the music in another format, use the "Export" function.
• Save as (FILE)
Identical to the previous function, except for the option to rename the music.
• Close
Close the frontmost window.
• Save Music List (FILE)
This option allows you to save the "Music List" in a file. Then you can reload this "Music List" with the "Open" menu.
• Page Setup
This options allows you to prepare the page printing.
• Print
Sends the information of the frontmost window to the printer.
• Import (FILE)
This option allows you to load a song written in a foreign format; PlayerPRO converts it magically to the 'MAD' format. The conversion will be of better or worse quality depending on the original format's resemblance to the 'MAD' format. The 'Midi Import' option has been canceled in the last version of PlayerPRO; it has been replaced by a complete program "PtMid", a freeware available everywhere.
• Export (FILE)
This option allows you to save a MAD formatted song in a different format. These different formats are supported by other programs (SoundEdit, ProTracker, EkkTracker, etc.). This option is only useful if you have one of these programs.
• Preferences
This option displays the different internal set up of PlayerPRO: drivers, piano, music list, color, compression and screensaver&fullview.
Drivers: The drivers are the "motors" responsible for reading your partition and for sending it to the Mac speaker. Nowadays, there are three different types of sound processor in the Macintosh range: the Apple Sound chip (ASC), the DSP of 840AV and 610AV and the AWAC of PowerMacs. It is strongly recommended to use the special ASC drivers for more speed and power, if you don't have a PowerMac or an AV Mac. The Sound Manager 3.0 can be used: these drivers use the Operating System, hence there are compatible with any type of Macintosh. Note for PowerMac users: SoundManager 3.1 is now available and it is a native version.
If you can, use external loud speakers! This will give you a much better sound quality. Choose the most powerful drivers possible for your Mac: 16 bits, 44 Khz, stereo in the best event, and 8 bits, 22 Khz, mono, for the weaker Macintosh (LC, Mac plus, etc.).
Piano: Allows the setup of the corresponding keys between your Mac keyboard and the piano (see "Piano" window). The first line contains a special value: '000', this line represents a key to indicate the lack of a note. This key can be useful for editing "Note after Note" (see "Music Editing", or the "Digital Editor" window).
Music List: You can choose between 3 options for the setup of music repetition: 'Loop Music', 'Load Next Music', or 'Loop a music randomly'.
Color: Allows the setup of the colors attributed to each track, in the PlayerPRO windows.
Compression: Allows to automatic activation of the 'MAD1' compression for the patterns during the file saving. It is a very simple structure compression, hence very fast. It is advised to leave it always activated, to save space on your hard disk.
• Quit
Quits PlayerPRO.
Apple Menu
• About
Displays the startup screen.
• Help
Displays this text...
• Registration
As soon as you have paid the shareware fee, you will receive a personnal access code to enable all functions of PlayerPRO and you will became a registered user.
After receving the code, enter it in the "CODE" box and enter your name in the "NAME" box. All functions will then be at your disposal.
• Always keep the code, you will need it if you have to reinstall PlayerPRO again.
• Do not give your code to other users. In case your code number or a PlayerPRO software opened with this code number is found on networks, BBS, etc., you will be held responsible and the author of PlayerPRO will be liable for financial fine. (The author has the address of each user corresponding to each code...).
Editor Menu
• Digital Editor (EDIT)
This window displays the current music partition. The partition is in its digital form: for example, for a music with 4 tracks and with a partition length of 64, the window will have 64 cells in height and 4 in width. The pattern number is displayed in the window title. To edit partition notes, you have several ways:
- Choose an instrument in the"Instruments List" window, choose a cell in the "Digital Editor" window and press a key of your Mac keyboard. The cell will contain the choosen instrument number, the note corresponding to the pressed key and the commands Effects & Arguments with zero value.
- Double-click on a cell, and the "Command" window opens. See "Command" window for more informations.
- With the recording function of the "Piano" window. See "Piano" window and "Music Editing".
Each cell contains the 4 standard commands of a music soundtrack: instrument number (see "Instrument List") - note - effect (no effect = 0) - effect argument. For informations concerning the file structure ( pattern, etc), effect types, etc., see "MAD file".
• Classical Editor (EDIT)
This window allows precise editing of the partition, track by track. Notes are represented the same way as in the "Pattern View" window, but are also moveable and editable. A reduced view of the current pattern is displayed at top right. Two modes are at your disposal: "Note" mode, for Note-by-Note editing and "Selection" mode to displace, copy, or delete a note selection. The "Note" mode is represented by a button displaying a note, the "Selection" mode is represented by a button displaying a cross cursor. To go from one mode to another, press one of the two buttons.
Note Mode
To create a new note, choose a track, an instrument, an effect and its argument. The note icon is displayed on the right side of the menus. This icon contains all the informations previously choosen. You only need to drag it and drop it on your partition where you want it. You can also click directly on the partition (your cursor is displayed as a small note).
Pattern notes can be displaced in the same way. To delete them, drop them in the trash (or click on the shift key and click on the note (your cursor is displayed as a small trashcan.)).
To play notes, press on the Apple key and click on the appropriate note. You can also play part of the pattern or the entire pattern by clicking up right in the reduced view. When pressing continously on the mouse button, the pattern is played in loop.
By double-clicking on a note, you can open the "Command Editor" window for a precise setup of the note.
Selection Mode
With this mode you can select a part of the partition by clicking in a place and by moving the mouse while pressing the mouse button. You can then: copy-paste the selection by using the Edit menu, delete the selection by moving it to the trash, or move the selection.
A lot of shortcuts are available for these two modes. Click on the '?' button for more informations.
• Command Editor (EDIT)
The "Command Editor" window allows you to edit a note: its instrument, its note and its effect with its argument. This window is used in correlation with the "Digital Editor" window and the "Classical Editor" window.
• Change internal name (EDIT)
Allows you to change the internal name of the current music. There is a 32 character limit.
• Tracks (EDIT)
This option allows you to change the number of tracks in the current song. The usual number of tracks for a soundtrack song is 4. It is not recommended to use more than 12 tracks on a slow computer.
• Turn Microphone ON/OFF (EDIT, VIEW)
This option allows you to listen and display the sound digitised by your Macintosh audio-input (see Sound Control Panel). The sound wave is displayed in the "Oscilloscope" window. It is also possible to adjust the sound amplitude before to digitise an instrument. The best recording will be optained when the amplitude is maximum, without touching the window borders.
Patterns Menu
• Partition list (EDITION)
This window displays the partition list of the current window. The partition list is composed of 128 values (ID). An ID is related to a pattern of the music (see "Patterns List"). To change an ID, double-click on it or click on '?' button: a window is displayed. You can also change partition length with this window.
• Patterns list (EDITION)
This option displays the patterns list of the current music. The selected pattern is related to the current played pattern. If you want to listen to any particular pattern, double-click on it. To edit the pattern information (name, length, compression), click on the '?' button. To create an empty pattern, click on the 'white page' button. The buttons save, read, open and delete are also available; they will react with the selected pattern. The buttons equivalent is in the "Patterns" menu.
Instruments Menu
• Instruments List (VIEW, EDITION, DRAG)
This window displays the instruments of the current music. This list can contain a maximum number of 64 instruments. To display the amplitude/time graphic of an instrument, double-click on it. To test an instrument, select it and open the "Piano" window. The copy/paste options work in this menu: move, duplicate, delete, export in clipboard, etc. Many buttons are available: load, save, delete, record, open. The buttons' equivalent is in the "Instruments" menu. PlayerPRO opens many types of files: AIFF, snd, WAV -- including MAC3 and MAC6 compression. If you have the Drag Manager installed, you can simply do a drag&drop of a file on a cell of the list. The '?' button displays the information related to the selected instrument. PlayerPRO can use 16 bit instruments, nevertheless do not convert 8 bit instruments to 16 bit instruments if you don't have a Macintosh with 16 bit audio-output (see "Preferences Drivers"), this would only slow the driver without any sound quality modification.
• To load every music of a folder, drag&drop the icon on the PlayerPRO icon. If you have the Drag Manager installed, you can do the same with the "Music List" window or the "Tools" window.
• If you have speed problems, use the Direct Memory Access' driver.
• If you have quality problems, i.e., ticks occur sometimes in your loud speakers, then use the Sound Manager drivers.
• Increase memory size to 2500 K or more if you want to write songs or manipulate instruments.
• To speed up the display of the "Oscilloscope" window, move this window in front position, displayed in its full size.
• Use the 8 bit video mode (256 colors), as often as possible; several routines have been optimised for this mode.
• If you wish to include songs in your programs, ask for the Think C & CodeWarrior C routines. They're free of charge!
• Arrange your windows (size, position) as you please! PlayerPRO will remember your selections.
Translated in August 94 in Ireland.
Edited in September '94 in America. (Thanks to Glen Warner !)